Pubg Mobile New Season 17 Release Date and Time?

 Pubg Mobile season 17 will start on 19th January 2021.

PUBG Mobile is a 100 PvP battle royale game has comming towards the third year anniversary the season 16 of PUBG Mobile started on 17th November and still going on.

The Royale Pass always highlights certain dates and the ending date of an RP can easily be used to determine the launch date of the next PUBG Mobile season.

PUBG Mobile Royale Pass has a certain time period of eight weeks and after it is over, a one-day cooldown takes place before the next season is started.

As we mentioned above, it is easy to speculate on the launch date and time. PUBG Mobile Season 16 will end on 17th January 2021 and the next season can start from 19th January 2021. The new season usually begins at 02:00 UTC which translates to 18:00 PT or 07:30 IST.

This launch date is not official and is speculated based on the usual trend in PUBG Mobile.
